Latest text banter between me &
pretzel boy from an earlier post (yes, I am deathly bored and have nothing better to do):
This morning:Pretzel boy (PB): Hot enough for ya?
After no immediate reponse:
(PB): Sorry 2 bother u
This afternoon:Moi: no worries—and yes, its africa hot out here
(PB): I was just being facisious
(his spelling)Moi: missed that—i guess facetiousness doesnt translate well to text msg
(PB): :) are we meeting up tonite?
Moi: sure—if you wanna hang out with a bunch of chicks. Brasserie on Walnut
(PB): i thought we were going out?
Moi: just come out for a drink—no one will bite you
(PB): i was kinda hoping you would :)
Moi: oh boy—u need to chill. i’m all for hanging out but first you need to stop with the innuendo, romeo
(PB): Ha ha! U love the attention! Whats the name of the place you’ll be at & what time?
Moi: It’s cute for a minute then quickly gets old. U sure u wanna meet up? I don’t think our agendas r the same
(PB): I was just havin fun!
(PB): I’m looking 4 a girlfriend, wat is your agenda?
(this dude is a piece o' work)
Moi: lol-- i just wanna have a beer and wax philosophical about life
(PB): OK…now I know your* weird!
(*his spelling)ALERT, ALERT! Tall, attractive entrepreneur type. Skilled in double entendre and calling without leaving a message. Looking for a girlfriend who he can take for walks on the beach and for who he can cook 3 course meals. Can be located in Citizen's Bank Park near pretzel stand.