On Cubicle Life
Recently took a part-time job to provide some semblance of organization to a harried executive (read: doing brainless shit she doesn't want to do) so that I can help defray my drinking expenses until our company makes billions, or even better, MILLIONS, of dollars. After being in this environment again for just a couple days, I forgot just how much I office life bugs the living shit out of me. Granted, it's definitely my fault for sacrificing the chance to work a gig that's a little more mentally taxing and instead choosing this place for its flexible schedule and prime location (5 minutes away from the apartment--gotta love it.)
BUT, I still feel I must vent. It is just scary how many businesses out there are just seething with worthless pools of human incompetence and indolence. Enough with the voluntary idiocy already, learn how to change the settings so that your document can be printed on legal paper! It's 2005, you fool! If you choose to waste a precious 30 seconds to point out an error that would take you 3 nanoseconds to correct yourself, you cannot fault me for thinking you a gormless twit. I will look at you with a sweet smile as I hand you my TPS report, all the while envisioning your death by evisceration, Hannibal-style.
Talk to me in a month to see if I made it past the first paycheck.