Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Argh!...Get it Right, Google

Imagine my excitement as I log into Blogger.com to spew my random thoughts (as you know I am wont to do) and on Blogger's site, I am given an option to disable spam sent as comments to my blogs. (See previous post, "Blog Spammers must be Annihilated.") I choose the option while relishing the thought that, finally, I will be rid of those pesky spammers that spread their vile comments linked with their useless web ads to hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of helpless blogs a day. But seconds later, I receive the following Google error:

Server ErrorThe server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds.

As per Wesley, aka The Dread Pirate Roberts, "To the pain," Google! Hollow promises. Don't you know that the jokers at www.ghettohomes.net and www.cheapmailorderwives.com have won? You blow. And yet, I will continue to post in the hopes that one day...some day...I shall no longer have to suffer blogspam.


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