Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Picture it: I'm hurrying from a meeting that ended at 7:49pm yesterday evening to the Snow Patrol concert that was starting at 8pm. I'm about 15 minutes late, but I thought to me-self, that's ok, the opening band was probably still playing. As I neared the Electric Factory, the gated entrance, usually peopled with desperate scalpers and last minute concert attendees, was remarkably void of any loitering bodies or any activity in general. Odd, thought I. Approaching the concert venue, I get a bad feeling from the empty parking lot and an ominous 8" X 11" piece of paper taped to the outside doors, which upon closer inspection reads, "Tonight's performance has been cancelled and rescheduled for June 26, 2006." What if I get called on one of my secret agent missions that night? What if I have an important meeting with the President to attend?
What then, I ask you, WHAT THEN? Freaking Snow Patrol. Get on MY schedule, dammit!


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